• Goal

  • Develop a user-aware, emotion-recognizing model that combines face recognition and representation learning.
  • Integrate test-time adaptation for robust performance across various datasets (e.g., Koln, FERV39K, DFEW).
  • Optimize the final model for NVIDIA Orin inference, including Docker environment setup, ONNX conversion, quantization, and TensorRT deployment.
  • Utilize RADIOv2, a foundation model, to extract robust facial features for downstream tasks.

Degraded LR Depth Map
Fig 1. Examples of diverse facial expressions and emotions from the FERV39k dataset.

1.1 Feature Extraction with RADIOv2

  • Foundation Model: Leveraged RADIOv2, a pre-trained vision transformer, to extract high-quality facial features: \(F_{\text{RADIOv2}} = f_{\text{RADIOv2}}(I),\) where $I$ represents the input image, and $F_{\text{RADIOv2}}$ is the resulting feature embedding.
Degraded LR Depth Map
Fig 2. AM-RADIO is a framework to distill multiple pretrained vision foundation models, such as CLIP, DINOv2, SAM, into a single model called RADIO.

1.2 Test-Time Adaptation (Face Recognition)

  • Motivation: Achieve stable, adaptive face recognition under domain shifts such as lighting variations, pose changes, and occlusions.
  • Approach:
    • Researched test-time adaptation methods to fine-tune model parameters during inference: \(W_{\text{new}} = W_{\text{old}} + \eta \cdot \nabla \mathcal{L}_{\text{TTA}},\) where $W_{\text{new}}$ denotes the updated weights, $W_{\text{old}}$ is the original weight, $\eta$ is the adaptation step size, and $\mathcal{L}_{\text{TTA}}$ is the test-time adaptation loss function.
Model Pipeline
Fig 3. Model pipeline integrating Depth Anything and U-Net-like structure. The pipeline is designed to integrate multiple components for robust feature extraction and domain-specific adaptations.

2. Face Recognition + Representation Learning

2.1 Pipeline Design

The pipeline combines RADIOv2, ArcFace, and SimCLR to achieve robust identity verification and emotion recognition.

  1. Feature Extraction
    • Used RADIOv2 to extract foundational facial embeddings:
      \(F_{\text{Base}} = f_{\text{RADIOv2}}(I),\) where $I$ is the input image, and $F_{\text{Base}}$ is the extracted feature embedding.
  2. Representation Learning
    • Applied SimCLR for contrastive learning: \(\mathcal{L}_{\text{SimCLR}} = -\log \frac{\exp(\text{sim}(z_i, z_j) / \tau)}{\sum_{k=1}^{N} \exp(\text{sim}(z_i, z_k) / \tau)},\) where $z_i$ and $z_j$ are projections of $F_{\text{Base}}$, $\text{sim}(\cdot)$ represents cosine similarity, $\tau$ is the temperature parameter, and $N$ is the total number of samples.
  3. Classification (ArcFace)
    • Integrated an ArcFace head for face recognition: \(\mathcal{L}_{\text{ArcFace}} = -\log \frac{\exp(s \cdot (\cos(\theta_i + m)))}{\sum_{j=1}^{C} \exp(s \cdot \cos(\theta_j))},\) where $s$ is the scale factor, $\theta_i$ represents the angle between features and weights for class $i$, $m$ is the margin penalty, and $C$ is the number of classes.
  4. Emotion Recognition Branch
    • Added an optional emotion recognition head trained on $F_{\text{Base}}$ for classification tasks: \(\mathcal{L}_{\text{Emotion}} = -\sum_{c=1}^{C} y_c \log \hat{y}_c,\) where $y_c$ is the ground truth for class $c$, and $\hat{y}_c$ is the predicted probability for class $c$.

3. Training & Optimization

3.1 Multi-Teacher Distillation with Loss Formulation

To improve model generalization, the framework utilizes multi-teacher distillation, adapting methods inspired by AM-RADIO:

  1. Summary Feature Loss
    • The student model matches the summary feature vectors of teachers: \(\mathcal{L}_{\text{Summary}}(x) = \sum_{i} \lambda_i \cdot \mathcal{L}_{\text{Cos}}(y_i^{(s)}, z_i^{(t)}),\) where $y_i^{(s)}$ is the student’s summary feature, $z_i^{(t)}$ is the teacher’s summary feature, $\lambda_i$ is the weight for teacher $i$, and $\mathcal{L}_{\text{Cos}}$ is the cosine similarity loss.
  2. Spatial Feature Loss
    • Spatial features of the student are matched to those of the teacher: \(\mathcal{L}_{\text{Spatial}}(x) = \sum_{i} \gamma_i \cdot \big(\alpha \mathcal{L}_{\text{Cos}}(y_i^{(s)}, z_i^{(t)}) + \beta \mathcal{L}_{\text{Smooth-L1}}(y_i^{(s)}, z_i^{(t)}) \big),\) where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ control the weighting of cosine similarity and smooth L1 loss.
  3. Combined Loss
    • The total loss for distillation is: \(\mathcal{L}_{\text{Total}} = \mathcal{L}_{\text{Summary}} + \mathcal{L}_{\text{Spatial}}.\)

3.2 Deployment Optimization

ONNX Conversion
The PyTorch models were converted to ONNX format for hardware-agnostic optimization: \(\text{Model}_{\text{ONNX}} = \text{Export}(\text{Model}_{\text{PyTorch}}),\) where $\text{Model}_{\text{PyTorch}}$ is the original model.

Model precision was reduced to INT8 or FP16 to improve latency and reduce memory usage: \(\mathcal{Q}(x) = \frac{\text{round}(x \cdot 2^n)}{2^n},\) where $n$ determines the bit-width of quantization, and $x$ is the original model parameter.

TensorRT Deployment
The TensorRT-optimized model was deployed on NVIDIA Orin, achieving real-time inference with high throughput.

4. NVIDIA Orin Inference & Performance

  • Batch Size: 1
  • Input Resolution: $224 \times 224$
  • Approximate Latency: $15-20$ ms per frame ($\sim 50-65$ FPS).
  • Pipeline Integration: Integrated with DeepStream for multi-camera video streaming and real-time analysis.

5. Key Challenges & Solutions

Test-Time Adaptation

  • Challenge: Adapting to domain shifts such as lighting changes and occlusions during inference.
  • Solution: Implemented test-time loss minimization to dynamically update weights: \(\mathcal{L}_{\text{TTA}} = \| F_{\text{Base}} - F_{\text{Adapted}} \|^2,\) where $F_{\text{Base}}$ represents the original feature embedding, and $F_{\text{Adapted}}$ is the adapted feature embedding.

Representation Learning

  • Challenge: Balancing supervised learning (ArcFace) and unsupervised learning (SimCLR).
  • Solution: Introduced a weighted multi-task loss to alternate between classification and contrastive learning.

Multi-Teacher Distillation

  • Challenge: Combining features from heterogeneous teacher models.
  • Solution: Implemented loss balancing with cosine similarity and smooth L1 for effective spatial feature learning: \(\mathcal{L}_{\text{Spatial}} = \alpha \mathcal{L}_{\text{Cos}} + \beta \mathcal{L}_{\text{Smooth-L1}},\) where $\alpha = 0.9$ and $\beta = 0.1$ prioritize cosine similarity.

Real-Time Face Recognition 1 Real-Time Face Recognition 2 Real-Time Face Recognition 3
Fig 4. Real-time face and emotion recognition system with three scenarios: face detection at a distance, emotion recognition, and tracking multiple individuals with unique IDs.

6. Results & Conclusion

Face Recognition

  • Achieved state-of-the-art accuracy with ArcFace and RADIOv2 on WebFace and Celeb-1M datasets.

Emotion Recognition

  • Demonstrated robust performance on FERV39K and DFEW datasets, showcasing strong generalization across different domains.

Real-Time Feasibility

  • Achieved 50-65 FPS inference speed on NVIDIA Orin, enabling real-time emotion detection and face recognition.


This project highlights the successful integration of RADIOv2, multi-task learning, and hardware optimization. It delivers a robust, real-time solution for face recognition and emotion analysis that performs reliably across diverse conditions and datasets.