
  • Achieved 1st Place in the 2024 CVPR AIS Depth Compression Challenge.
  • Develop a robust super-resolution method for degraded and noisy depth maps.
  • Demonstrate a highly efficient approach capable of near real-time performance.

1. Problem Definition & Dataset Analysis

Context of the Challenge

  • Low-resolution (LR) depth maps suffer from degradation and noise, making them unreliable for upsampling:
    • Given a low-resolution depth map $D_{\text{LR}}$ and a corresponding RGB input $I$, the goal is to reconstruct a high-resolution depth map $D_{\text{SR}}$ such that: \(D_{\text{SR}} \approx D_{\text{GT}}\) where $D_{\text{GT}}$ is the ground truth depth map.

Key Observations

  • Resolution Degradation: $D_{\text{LR}}$ suffers from downsampling artifacts and spatial corruption: \(D_{\text{LR}} = \downarrow (D_{\text{GT}}) + \eta\) where $\downarrow$ denotes downsampling and $\eta$ is additive noise.
  • Noise Impact: The added noise $\eta$ significantly disrupts depth reconstruction quality.
Degraded LR Depth Map
Fig 1. Visual comparison showing noise and resolution loss in the LR depth map.

2. Proposed Model & Approach

Utilizing Relative Depth (Depth Anything)

  • The pre-trained ‘Depth Anything model extracts relative depth, used as a supplementary guide for depth super-resolution: \(D_{\text{Rel}} = f_{\text{DepthAnything}}(I)\)
  • Inputs include the relative depth map, low-resolution (LR) depth map, and the input image, which are concatenated to form a multi-channel input: \(X = [D_{\text{Rel}}, D_{\text{LR}}, I]\) where $[\cdot]$ denotes concatenation.
Depth anything pipeline
Fig 2. Depth anything pipeline.

U-Net-like Structure with Tailored Design

Our architecture is based on a U-Net-inspired framework, retaining its characteristic encoder-decoder structure and skip connections, with significant enhancements to address the unique challenges of noisy LR depth maps.


  • The encoder processes the multi-channel input $X$ through two parallel paths:
    • Relative Depth Path: \(F_{\text{Rel}} = \text{NAFNet}(D_{\text{Rel}})\)
    • LR Depth Path: \(F_{\text{LR}} = \text{NAFNet}(D_{\text{LR}})\)
  • Features $F_{\text{Rel}}$ and $F_{\text{LR}}$ are progressively downsampled across multiple levels using NAFNet blocks, enhancing feature extraction and representation.

Fusion Module

  • Features from the relative depth and LR depth paths are fused using Adaptive Instance Normalization (AdaIN) to align their distributions: \(F_{\text{Fusion}} = \text{AdaIN}(F_{\text{Rel}}, F_{\text{LR}})\) where: \(\text{AdaIN}(F_{\text{Rel}}, F_{\text{LR}}) = \sigma_{\text{LR}} \cdot \frac{F_{\text{Rel}} - \mu_{\text{Rel}}}{\sigma_{\text{Rel}}} + \mu_{\text{LR}}\) $\mu$ and $\sigma$ denote the mean and variance of the features, respectively.


  • The decoder reconstructs the high-resolution (HR) depth map by progressively upsampling the fused features $F_{\text{Fusion}}$, while utilizing skip connections from the encoder: \(D_{\text{SR}} = \text{Decoder}(F_{\text{Fusion}})\)
Model Pipeline
Fig 3. Model pipeline integrating Depth Anything and U-Net-like structure.

Detailed Architecture

  • The encoder performs four stages of downsampling, progressively extracting finer features from the input.
  • At each stage, the Fusion Module normalizes and combines features from the two encoder paths.
  • The decoder restores the fused features to the target resolution via upsampling, integrating skip connections for enhanced reconstruction quality.
Detailed U-Net Structure
Fig 4. Detailed architecture showing encoder, fusion module, and decoder.

3. Implementation & Training

Loss Function

The total loss function consists of a pixel-level reconstruction term and an edge preservation term: \(\mathcal{L}_{\text{total}} = \mathcal{L}_{\text{pixel}} + \mathcal{L}_{\text{edge}}\)

  • Pixel Reconstruction Loss: \(\mathcal{L}_{\text{pixel}} = \| D_{\text{SR}} - D_{\text{GT}} \|_1\)
  • Edge Preservation Loss: \(\mathcal{L}_{\text{edge}} = \| \text{Sobel}(D_{\text{SR}}) - \text{Sobel}(D_{\text{GT}}) \|_1\)

Dataset & Pre-Training

  • Pretrained Model: Initialized on the MVS-Synthetic Dataset: \(D_{\text{LR}}, D_{\text{GT}} \in [0, 1]\)
  • Depth Clipping: Depth values are clipped to: \(D_{\text{GT, max}} = 300\)
  • Validation Set: Last 100 samples reserved for validation.

Training Settings

  • Batch Size: 8
  • Learning Rate: \(\alpha_{\text{DepthAnything}} = 2 \cdot 10^{-6}, \quad \alpha_{\text{U-Net}} = 2 \cdot 10^{-4}\)
  • Epochs: 500
  • Hardware: Single NVIDIA A6000 GPU (~3 days).
  • Inference Speed: ~24 FPS on RTX 3090.
  • Parameters: 29M

4. Results & Conclusion

Enhanced Detail

  • Achieves finer edge and detail reconstruction compared to the baseline: \(D_{\text{SR}}^{\text{Ours}} \approx D_{\text{GT}}, \quad D_{\text{SR}}^{\text{Baseline}} \ll D_{\text{GT}}\)
Enhanced Details
Fig 5. Depth reconstruction showing enhanced detail compared to the baseline.

Noise Robustness

  • Effectively mitigates noise from $D_{\text{LR}}$, retaining high accuracy: \(\| D_{\text{SR}} - D_{\text{GT}} \| < \| D_{\text{LR}} - D_{\text{GT}} \|\)
Noise Robustness
Fig 6. Robust depth reconstruction under noisy LR input.

Real-Time Feasibility

  • Operates efficiently at ~24 FPS on an RTX 3090, enabling real-time applications: \(\text{Speed}_{\text{Ours}} = 24 \, \text{FPS}\)


By leveraging $D_{\text{Rel}}$ from the Depth Anything model and integrating a tailored U-Net architecture, our approach achieves robust super-resolution. It effectively handles noise, reconstructs fine details, and operates in real-time, making it highly suitable for practical deployment.