• Goal

- Sequence modeling of process time series data based on the latest AI model

  • - Explore and apply AI methodologies such as RNN and transformer that are effective in sequence data analysis
  • - Exploration and design of model structures suitable for time series pattern modeling of process data
  • - Development of a sequence model that mimics the time series pattern of process data

- Sequence model analysis of process time series data based on XAI technique

  • - Exploring explainable AI methodologies for interpretation of sequence models
  • - Sequence model analysis of process time series data developed using XAI technique
  • - Analysis of the influence of features at each point in the process time series data

- Development of battery half-finished product characteristics and initial performance prediction model based on model analysis

  • - Model design suitable for battery semi-finished product characteristics and initial performance prediction model development
  • - apply the influence and correlation of the analyzed process data to the performance prediction model
  • - Development of battery semi-finished product characteristics and initial performance prediction model
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Fig 1. Battery manufacturing process.
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Fig 2. Interpretation of key parameters of mixed-type Mars capacity prediction model
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Fig 3. t-SNE result of shipment capacity by model type.
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Fig 4. Ensemble regression.
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Fig 5. High performance of features based on voltage curves from the first 100 cycles.
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Fig 6. Transformations of voltage–capacity discharge curves for three fast-charged cells that were tested with periodic slow diagnostic cycles.