[CVPR 2016] Attention to Scale: Scale-aware Semantic Image Segmentation
Incorporating multi-scale features in FCNs has been a key element to achieving state-of-the-art performance on semantic image segmentation.
- Another way : Extract multi-scale features is to feed multiple resized input images to a shared deep network and then merge the resulting features for pixel-wise classification.
- We propose an attention mechanism that learns to softly weight the multi-scale features at each pixel location. We adapt a state-of-the-art semantic image segmentation model, which we jointly train with multi-scale input images and the attention model.
- The proposed attention model not only outperforms average and max-pooling, but allows us to diagnostically visualize the importance of features at different positions and scales.
- Moreover, we show that adding extra supervision to the output at each scale is essential to achieving excellent performance when merging multi-scale features. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our model with extensive experiments on three challenging datasets
- PASCAL-Person-Part
- a subset of MS-COCO 2014.
- Introduction
- Various methods based on FCNs → bench marks (2016)
- contribution → using the use of multi-scale features
two types of network structures that exploit multi-scale features
- skip-net
- define : combines features from the intermediate layers of FCNs
- Features within a skip-net are multi-scale in nature due to the increasingly large receptive field sizes.
- During training, a skip-net usually employs a two-step process where it first trains the deep network backbone and then fixes or slightly fine-tunes during multi-scale feature extraction.
- Problem : two-step training process is not ideal / training time ↑ (e.g. 3~5 days)
- share-net
- define : resizes the input image to several scales and passes each through a shared deep network.
- It then computes the final prediction based on the fusion of the resulting multi-scale features
- A share-net does not need the two-step training process mentioned above (one-step training)
- It usually employs average-pooling or max-pooling over scales
- Features at each scale are either equally important or sparsely selected.
- Attention models
- Recently, attention models have shown great success in several CV and NLP
- Reference : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsQLdu2JMgI
how to solve the problem.
→ Attention models
D. Bahdanau, K. Cho, and Y. Bengio. Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate. In ICLR, 2015
- Recently, attention models have shown great success in several CV and NLP
- Rather than compressing an entire image or sequence into a static representation, attention allows the model to focus on the most relevant features as needed
- we incorporate an attention model for semantic image segmentation
Unlike previous work that employs attention models in the 2D spatial and/or temporal dimension, we explore its effect in the scale dimension
attention models in the 2D spatial and/or temporal dimension 배경 부족
The proposed attention model learns to weight the multi-scale features according to the object scales presented in the image
(e.g. the model learns to put large weights on features at coarse scale for large objects)
For each scale, the attention model outputs a weight map which weights features pixel by pixel, and the weighted sum of FCN-produced score maps across all scales is then used for classification
- introduce extra supervision to the output of FCNs at each scale, which we find essential for a better performance.
- We jointly train the attention model and the multi-scale networks
- The attention component also gives a non-trivial improvement over average-pooling and max-pooling methods.
- More importantly, the proposed attention model provides diagnostic visualization, unveiling the black box network operation by visualizing the importance of features at each scale for every image position.
- skip-net
- Related Work
- Deep networks : FCNs, DeepLab, …
- Multi-scale features
- skip-net type : FCN-8s, DeepLab-MSc, ParseNet
- share-net type : CRF, …
- Attention models for deep networks :
- classification : …
- detection : …
- image captioning and video captioning :
- NLP : attention
- Attention to scale : To merge the predictions from multi-scale features, there are two common approachs
- average-pooling : …
- max-pooling : …
- We propose to jointly learn an attention model that softly weights the features from different input scales when predicting the semantic label of a pixel.
- Model
Review of DeepLab v1
- a variant of FCNs (beased on VGG-16) &16-layers
- FC6 layer에는 dilated convolution (rate = 12)을 (즉, atrous algorithm) 적용하므로 receptive field가 커져서 Field-Of-View is larger라고 불림
- Attention model for scales
- we discuss how to merge the multi-scale features for our proposed model
input & output of attention model
score map
Q&A : $\omega_i^2$ 의 크기와 $\omega_i^1$ 크기가 다른데, $f_{i,c}^2 (size = f_{i,c}^1)$ 와 어떻게 계산해야할지?
- 방법 1 : $\omega_i^1$ 를 $\omega_i^2$와 같도록 Bi-linear interpolation
방법 2 : score map에서 Bi-linear interpolation 을 통해 $f_{i,c}^2 = f_{i,c}^1 (size)$ 같게 하는 부분이 틀렸다?
- $w_i^s$ 에 대한 분석 & 의미
- the importance of feature at position $i$ and scale $s$
- how much attention to pay to features at different positions and scales by visualization
- Case study (scale을 적용하는 방식?)
- average-pooling
- max-pooling
- attention (this paper)
- We emphasize that the attention model computes a soft weight for each scale and position, and it allows the gradient of the loss function to be back-propagated through
- Extra supervision
- loss : Cross-entropy
- optimization : SGD
backbone : Network parameter are initialized from the ImageNet-pretrained VGG-16 model
- Supervision을 더 추가하여 스케일별로 출력된 최종 결과에 cross entropy loss를 적용하여 총 1 + S개의 cross entropy를 사용
GT는 출력 크기에 맞게 다운샘플링하여 사용
- Experimental Evaluations
- Training : SGD with mini-batch
- batch-size = 30 images
- learning rate = 0.001 (multiplied by 0.1 after 2000 iterations)
- momentum = 0.9
- weight decay = 0.0005
- Fine-tuning → 21 hours on NVIDIA Tesla K40 GPU
- the total training time is twice that of a vanilla DeepLab-LargeFOV
- all scaled inputs and performs training jointly ($S = 2$)
- Evaluation metric : IoU
- Reproducibility : Caffe framework → torch code X (ㅠㅠ)
- Experiments for contribution
- multi-scale inputs : $s \in {1, 0.75, 0.5}$
- different methods : different methods to merge multi-scale features
- average-pooling
- max-pooling
- attention model
- training with or without extra supervision :
- PASCAL-Person-Part
- we focus on the person part for the dataset, which contains more training data and large scale variation
- Specifically, the dataset contains detailed part annotations for every person, including eyes, nose, etc.
- training / validation : 1716 images / 1817 images
Improvement over DeepLab (validation set)
- max-pooling 경우 → scales 를 3으로 늘렸더니 성능 증가 (Robust)
- averge-pooling 및 attention 의 경우 → scales 를 3으로 늘렸더니 성능 감소…
- However, No matter how many scales are used, our attention model yields better results than average-pooling and max-pooling (Attention is good!)
- Failure modes : The failure examples are due to the extremely difficult human poses or the confusion between cloth and person parts.
- The first problem may be resolved by acquiring more data, while the second one is challenging because person parts are usually covered by clothes.
The PASCAL VOC 2012 segmentation benchmark consists of 20 foreground object classes and one background class
- Pretrained with ImageNet
Improvement over DeepLab (validation set)
- PASCAL-Person-Part 과 비슷한 결과 패턴
- Max-pooing은 scales에 대해 robust하게 성능 증가하지만, average-pooling 및 attention은 오히려 성능 감소
- 그럼에도 불구하고, attention 사용하면, max-pooling/average-pooling보다 항상 성능 좋게 나옴
- 추가적으로 , Extra supervision 사용시 성능은 더 증가
- PASCAL-Person-Part 과 비슷한 결과 패턴
the test set for our best model
- Attention+ = Attention + E-supv
- Attention-DT = Attention + “a discriminatively trained domain transform”
- 한계점 : attention + CRF + pretrained 기법을 사용해도 DPN, Adelaide 를 넘기지 못함
- Subset of MS-COCO
- 80 foreground object classes and one background class
- training / validation : 80K / 40K → random select → 10K / 1.5K \
Improvement over DeepLab (validation)
- class가 많기 때문에 scale을 더 다양하게 할수록 max-pooling/average-pooling은 성능 증가, 반대로 attention은 scale을 더 다양하게 할수록 성능 감소
- 앞선 다른 데이터셋과 동일하게, Scales + E-supv + attention을 결합하면 성능 증가 (시너지 효과로 봐야하나..)
- Person class IoU 결
- Training : SGD with mini-batch
- Conclusion
- For semantic segmentation, this paper adapts a state-ofthe-art model (i.e., DeepLab LargeFOV) to exploit multi-scale inputs.
- (1) Using multi-scale inputs yields better performance than a single scale input.
- (2) Merging the multi-scale features with the proposed attention model not only improves the performance over average- or max-pooling baselines, but also allows us to diagnostically visualize the importance of features at different positions and scales.
- (3) Excellent performance can be obtained by adding extra supervision to the final output of networks for each scale
Attention to Scale: Scale-aware Semantic Image Segmentation (PyTorch version) code
- http://liangchiehchen.com/projects/DeepLab.html#domain transform
- https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2016/papers/Chen_Attention_to_Scale_CVPR_2016_paper.pdf
- http://www.navisphere.net/7543/attention-to-scale-scale-aware-semantic-image-segmentation/
- https://ezyang.github.io/convolution-visualizer/index.html
- https://yangyi02.github.io/research/attention_scale/attention_scale_slides.pdf
- https://distill.pub/2016/deconv-checkerboard/